Kronos Tactics

A new tactics game from Kronos Gaming!

Battle in 3D

Fight with an innovative new 3D engine! Fight from a rooftop, or in a valley. Explore all the possibilities of tactical battle in a whole new way.

Character Classes

Hire your own army and build your characters how you see fit with the custom class level system. Pick a class and subclass to create your own custom characters!

Mercenary Hiring

There are hundreds of soldiers, waiting to join your army! Train them and keep them from dying as you fight through the world of Lucerio!

Anselm, Ymira, Bertram, & Isembard

A group photo of four actors in The Eight Kingdoms.

Bertram & Ymira

A group photo of two actors in The Eight Kingdoms.

Anselm & Isembard

A group photo of two actors in The Eight Kingdoms.